Surprise During Fishing Trip Baffles Family on Ozarks Vacation

Surprise During Fishing Trip Baffles Family on Ozarks Vacation
This is a lake, presumably in the Ozarks.

Have you ever had an unexpected celebrity encounter? The Brooks family certainly did this weekend in the Ozarks. Friday marked John Brooks’ 65th birthday, so he and his family traveled down to the Ozarks for a relaxing weekend away from their bustling life in St. Louis. The whole family made the trip, and fun was had by all. On Saturday the 8th, they decided to take a family fishing trip to enjoy the clean lake air.

The first hour went off without a hitch. Evelyn and Caroline lounged in the sun, while John and young Benjy fished their hearts out. John had some success, and Benjy even caught a trout! The day was already a success, and it was just getting started. Over the next few hours, casual family gossip was said, and refreshing beverages were had. This story, while lovey, wouldn’t have been newsworthy if it wasn’t for the final hour of the afternoon.

At about 3pm, the family decided they would cast a few last lines, and then head back to the dock and enjoy a nice family dinner at Casey’s on the Lake. Before they could even bring up a menu to start fantasizing about their meals, Benjy got a bite. It was immediately clear that this was no small fish, so John took the rod and started fighting. After a tiring bout, John finally pulled the line up, and to his surprise, was standing face to face with Reading Rainbow host, LeVar Burton!

Standing at a modest 5’7 and soaking wet was LeVar in the flesh. He was dazed, and John was in a state of shock. After a deafening couple of seconds, Evelyn finally spoke up and asked LeVar what he was doing in a lake of the Ozarks. After pausing to regain his composure, LeVar explained to the family that he vacations to the Ozarks every summer. Because of rising rental prices and some poor gambling decisions related to the Los Angeles Lakers, LeVar outlined his decision to continue vacationing, but live off the land rather than rent a property.

He was enjoying the water when a worm appeared in front of him. Hungry and determined, he grabbed the worm as an afternoon feast. Before he could plop that bad boy in his mouth, he was flung deeper into the lake. LeVar realized that he was being reeled in just as John pulled him onto the boat.

The Brooks family generously offered to have Mr. Burton as their guest at Casey’s, letting him know that he could have an appetizer or side salad, but entrées were off limits. The invitation was politely declined, and LeVar explained that he had been banned from most lakeside restaurants, all related to the Lakers gambling snafus.

The family said their goodbyes, and LeVar gave Evelyn a kiss before slapping John’s ass and jumping back into the sea. Just days later, LeVar’s publicity team issued a statement in which they announced he had just been labeled as a missing person. We hope LeVar is found soon.

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