Death of Jimmy Buffett Marks Darkest September Day in American History

Death of Jimmy Buffett Marks Darkest September Day in American History
Gone but never forgotten. Thank you for everything Jimmy.

“If there’s a heaven for me, I’m sure it has a beach attached.”

Early in the morning of September 2nd, 2023 it was announced that Jimmy Buffett had passed away peacefully in his sleep. The billionaire, singer, songwriter, author, restaurant/resort/living community owner, musical producer, etc. was 76 years young, and his death has hit the world hard.

As the definitive most important person in human history, it’s hard to look forward to a world in which Jimmy is no longer with us. I speak for everyone when I say that we will miss him more than anyone ever.

It is my decision on behalf of the United States to mark the month of September Jimmy’s Month. Every day will be a celebration of his life, and we will drink from sunup to sundown every day of the month. As I reflect, I think this takes the cake as the saddest event to ever happen in September, specifically in America. There is no other event that comes to mind with an agreed upon distinction of being the most tragic event of the month. If you can think of anything, please let us know. But until then, this is the decision. President Biden will be making an official statement in the next 24 hours.

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