Carnival Cruises Admits to Editing Jack Nicholson into 30% of Family Photos

Carnival Cruises Admits to Editing Jack Nicholson into 30% of Family Photos
Look at this ship of lies. Just sitting in international waters like it's nothing.

Carnival Cruises has always been the black sheep of the cruise ship family. They are branded as a family cruise line with plenty of activities for kids, but many regard it as the bottom of the barrel when it comes to a week-long getaway. Not as nice as its Disney competitor, and not as mature as a Royal Caribbean adventure. Overall, a stinker. That was more evident than ever today, when Carnival admitted to what many are calling a horrific act of betrayal.

Since 2019, Carnival has been editing famous actor Jack Nicholson into around 30% of family photos available for purchase on the ship. There had been rumors swirling for years, and it gained some traction on Reddit in early 2020. Users shared family photos where it was clear that Chinatown star Jack Nicholson was poorly edited in with the rest of the family, but none of these rumors were able to be verified. Once the COVID pandemic hit and cruises shut down, people forgot about the issue entirely. That is until recently, when the FBI was tipped off and conducted a formal investigation on all Carnival cruise lines.

For 8 weeks in June and July, undercover agents went on Carnival cruises in hopes of catching the cruise liner in the act. It didn’t take long for an agent and his son to take an adorable photo on the pool deck in the late afternoon. After dinner that night, they went down to the photo area and were shocked to see A Few Good Men star Jack Nicholson standing next to them in that very photo! Thankfully for the agent, there were hidden cameras scattered all over the pool deck, and he was able to verify that Jack was not in frame where the picture showed him to be. Further, the FBI was able to confirm that Batman villain Jack Nicholson was at his Beverly Hills home during the entire duration of the cruise, so he couldn’t have possibly been on the pool deck with the agent and his son.

Carnival released a statement apologizing for their dishonest acts. They took full responsibility, refunded all families who submitted their vandalized photos, and even gave them cash credit for their next voyage with Carnival. It’s too early to tell how this will affect the cruise liner as a whole, but we expect a sharp decline in bookings in these coming months. Trust has been broken, and Carnival is going to have to dig themselves out of this hole.

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