Birthday Blunder: Grimace’s Special Day goes Awry After Nude Photo is Tweeted from the McDonald’s Australia Account

Talk about a birthday surprise! As you may or may not know, last Monday marked the birthday of purple McDonald’s monstrosity Grimace. The overweight freak was excited to celebrate, and took to Twitter to announce his big day. McDonald’s decided to create a purple milkshake for the slug, but refused to reveal the flavor. The purple shake was part of a larger “Grimace Meal” which included a Big Mac or McNuggets, and a side of fries. An otherwise unimpressive meal for an unimpressive abomination of a mascot.
To advertise this meal, McDonald’s began running commercials with Grimace and his other purple friends. They were shown enjoying their time, and not being constantly harassed as I imagine they would be if they were real. Regardless, it was all harmless fun. To continue the campaign, McDonald’s allowed Grimace to run their main Twitter account. At the start of the week, he tweeted nonsense with poor spelling, trying to appeal to the youths. Annoying but not dangerous.
The end of the week is when things started to get uncomfortable. At 3:14pm EST on Friday June 16th, Grimace tweeted the following:
“Spit on me mommy @AOC”
Followed by:
“You’ll never catch me alive @IDF” (the official Twitter page of the Israel Defense Forces)
The tweets were quickly deleted, with a swift follow-up from the main McDonald’s account apologizing for Grimace’s behavior and a promise that it would NOT happen again. The account went dark over the weekend, as the birthday festivities began to die out.
All seemed well in the world, until at 2:57am EST on Monday morning, when a tweet appeared from the McDonald’s Australia account. Grimace tweeted:
“The best birthday surprise is my surprise DOWN UNDER!”
Attached was a photo of what I can only assume was his penis, next to a medium-sized Grimace shake, as if he was showing off its length and girth.
Within 2 hours, the tweet was deleted and the entire McDonald’s Australia account was deactivated. McDonald’s has not given an official statement yet, but has confirmed that no one gave Grimace the password to the McDonald’s Australia account. Further, it is rumored that they will immediately close all McDonald’s locations in Australia as they don’t see a way that they can recover from just how foul the photograph was. Frightening freak Gritty of the Philadelphia Flyers, cousin of Grimace, declined to comment.